# ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml import: - ~/.config/alacritty/catppuccin-mocha.yml env: TERM: xterm-256color window: dimensions: columns: 146 lines: 28 padding: x: 14 y: 10 dynamic_padding: false decorations: None startup_mode: Windowed opacity: 0.980 class: instance: Alacritty general: Alacritty scrolling: history: 10000 multiplier: 3 # (Github Dark) Colors for Alacritty colors: # Default colors primary: background: '0x30363d' foreground: '0xe6edf3' # Cursor colors # # These will only be used when the `custom_cursor_colors` field is set to `true`. cursor: text: '0x30363d' cursor: '0xe6edf3' # Normal colors normal: black: '0x484f58' red: '0xff7b72' green: '0x3fb950' yellow: '0xd29922' blue: '0x58a6ff' magenta: '0xbc8cff' cyan: '0x39c5cf' white: '0xb1bac4' # Bright colors bright: black: '0x6e7681' red: '0xffa198' green: '0x56d364' yellow: '0xe3b341' blue: '0x79c0ff' magenta: '0xbc8cff' cyan: '0x39c5cf' white: '0xb1bac4' font: normal: family: MesloLGL Nerd Font style: Regular bold: family: MesloLGL Nerd Font style: Bold italic: family: MesloLGL Nerd Font style: Italic bold_italic: family: MesloLGL Nerd Font style: Bold Italic size: 10 draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true selection: save_to_clipboard: false shell: program: /usr/bin/zsh key_bindings: - { key: Return, mods: Super|Shift, action: SpawnNewInstance }