import io import json import subprocess import urllib.parse import os import sys import time import re def filename(note): return re.sub(r'[\?\"<>|\*:\/\\]', '_', note["title"]) + ".md" def listnotes(filter = "", checkcontent = False): matching = [] for i in reversed(range(len(data))): if filter.lower() in data[i]["title"].lower(): print("[" + str(i) + "]", data[i]["title"]) matching.append(data[i]) elif checkcontent and filter.lower() in data[i]["content"].lower(): print("[" + str(i) + "]", data[i]["title"]) lines = data[i]["content"].split("\n") for j in range(len(lines)): line = lines[j] if filter.lower() in line.lower(): index = line.lower().index(filter.lower()) print("\t" + str(j) + ":", line[:100]) matching.append(data[i]) return matching def readtextfile(path): with, mode = "r", encoding = "utf-8") as f: return def writetextfile(path, content): with, mode = "w", encoding = "utf-8") as f: f.write(content) def editnote(note): content = note["content"] writetextfile("data/" + filename(note) + ".bak", content) writetextfile("data/" + filename(note), content)["commands"]["editor"] + ["data/" + filename(note)]) newcontent = readtextfile("data/" + filename(note) ) if newcontent != content:["commands"]["diff"] + ["data/" + filename(note) + ".bak", "data/" + filename(note)]) note["content"] = newcontent data.remove(note) data.insert(0, note) savedata() else: print("no change") def savedata(): if settings["mode"] == "remote": writetextfile("data/data.json", json.dumps(data))[settings["commands"]["gpg"], "-q", "--encrypt", "--yes", "--trust-model", "always", "--output", "data/data.acs", "--armor", "-r", settings["gpguser"], "data/data.json"]); newdata = readtextfile("data/data.acs") postdata = "action=push&password=" + settings["password"] + "&data=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(newdata) writetextfile("data/postdata", postdata) output = subprocess.check_output(["curl", "-X", "POST", "-d", "@data/postdata", settings["url"] + "/handler.php"]).decode("utf-8") print("curl output: " + output) if output != '{"result": "ok"}': if ask("Save failed. Try again?"): savedata() else: writetextfile("data/local.json", json.dumps(data)) def loaddata(): if settings["mode"] == "remote":["curl", "-X", "POST", "-F", "action=fetch", "-F", "password=" + settings["password"], "-o", "data/data.acs.bak", settings["url"] + "/handler.php"])[settings["commands"]["gpg"], "-q", "--yes", "--output", "data/data.json.bak", "--decrypt", "data/data.acs.bak"]) return json.loads(readtextfile("data/data.json.bak")) else: return json.loads(readtextfile("data/local.json")) def ask(question): answer = input(question + " [Y/n] ") return answer == "y" or answer == "yes" or answer == "" def initdatapath(): if not os.path.exists("data"): os.mkdir("data") if os.path.isfile("data/data.acs.bak"): os.remove("data/data.acs.bak") abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__) dname = os.path.dirname(abspath) os.chdir(dname) initdatapath() settings = json.loads(readtextfile("settings.json")) data = loaddata() command = "" if len(sys.argv) > 1: command = sys.argv[1] if command.startswith("notes://"): command = urllib.parse.unquote(command[8:-1]) while not (command == "quit" or command == "exit" or command == "q"): action = None if command[0:3] == "rm ": action = "delete" command = command[3:] elif command[0:3] == "mv ": action = "rename" command = command[3:] elif command[0:1] == "/": action = "grep" command = command[1:] elif command[0:4] == "sms ": action = "sms" command = command[4:] elif command[0:7] == "export ": action = "export" command = command[7:] elif command == "settings": action = "settings" try: index = int(command) note = data[index] except: note = next((note for note in data if note["title"] == command), None) if action == "delete": if note and ask("delete '" + note["title"] + "'? "): data.remove(note) savedata() elif action == "rename": if note: newname = input("new name: ") if newname: note["title"] = newname savedata() elif action == "sms": if note and ask("send '" + note["title"] + "' by sms? "):["curl", "-s", "-X", "POST", "-F", "action=sms", "-F", "password=" + settings["password"], "-F", "data=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(note["content"]), settings["url"] + "/handler.php"]) elif action == "export": if note: writetextfile("data/" + note["title"] + ".md", note["content"]) elif action == "settings":["commands"]["editor"] + ["settings.json"]) settings = json.loads(readtextfile("settings.json")) elif note and not action == "grep": editnote(note) else: matching = listnotes(command, action == "grep") if len(matching) == 0 and not action == "grep": if ask("create '" + command + "'? "): note = { "title": command, "content": "---\ntitle: " + command + "\ndate: " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "\ntags: \n---\n\n" } data.insert(0, note) editnote(note) elif len(matching) == 1: note = matching.pop() if ask("open '" + note["title"] + "'?"): editnote(note) command = input("> ")