import os
import re
import markdown
import yaml
import shutil
import subprocess
import unidecode
htmltemplate = """
settingsfile = "../textes/settings.yml"
def apply_html_template(body, title):
return htmltemplate.format(body=body, title=title)
def md2html(md):
return markdown.markdown(md, extensions=['extra', 'nl2br'])
def md2gmi(md):
gmi = md
gmi = re.sub(r'\[(.*)\]\((.*)\)', r'\n=> \2 \1', gmi)
gmi = gmi.replace('* * *', '---')
gmi = re.sub(r'^\*(.*)\*$', r'> \1', gmi, flags=re.MULTILINE)
gmi = re.sub(r'\*(.*)\*', r'\1', gmi)
return gmi
with open(settingsfile, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
index = yaml.safe_load(file)
htmlhome = "{} {}
".format(index['title'], index['description'])
gmihome = "# {}\n{}".format(index['title'], index['description'])
os.makedirs("out/html", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs("out/gmi", exist_ok=True)
for folderinfo in index['folders']:
sectiontitle = folderinfo['title']
htmlhome += "\n{} \n".format(sectiontitle)
gmihome += "\n\n## {}".format(sectiontitle)
for fileinfo in folderinfo['files']:
filetitle = fileinfo['title']
filename = fileinfo['file']
fileroot, fileextension = os.path.splitext(filename)
outfilename = unidecode.unidecode(filename)
if fileextension == '.md':
with open(os.path.join(folderinfo['folder'], filename), "r", encoding="utf-8") as mdfile:
mdcontent =
# clean header
mdcontent = re.sub(r'---\n[\s\S]*?\n---\n*', '', mdcontent)
htmlcontent = md2html(mdcontent)
gmicontent = md2gmi(mdcontent)
with open("out/html/{}".format(outfilename).replace('.md', '.html'), "w", encoding="utf-8") as htmlfile:
htmlfile.write(apply_html_template(htmlcontent, "{} | {}".format(filetitle, index['title'])))
with open("out/gmi/{}".format(outfilename).replace('.md', '.gmi'), "w", encoding="utf-8") as gmifile:
htmlhome += "{} ".format(outfilename.replace('.md', '.html'), filetitle)
gmihome += "\n=> {} {}".format(outfilename.replace('.md', '.gmi').replace(' ', '%20'), filetitle)
elif fileextension == ".wav" or fileextension == ".3gp":
# todo use builtin python library
outfilename = unidecode.unidecode(fileroot) + ".mp3"["ffmpeg",
os.path.join(folderinfo['folder'], filename),
os.path.join('out/html', outfilename)])
htmlhome += "{} ".format(filetitle, outfilename)
elif fileextension == ".mp3":
shutil.copy(os.path.join(folderinfo['folder'], filename), os.path.join('out/html', outfilename))
htmlhome += "{} ".format(filetitle, outfilename)
htmlhome += "\n "
with open("out/html/index.html", "w", encoding="utf-8") as htmlindex:
htmlindex.write(apply_html_template(htmlhome, index['title']))
with open("out/gmi/index.gmi", "w", encoding="utf-8") as gmiindex: