
1.1 KiB


Getting started

Launch index.html from your web server or try

Your notes are stored in your browser local storage.


  • command palette: ctrl+shift+p
  • notes list: ctrl+p

Remote mode

You can use remote mode with your own php server to access your notes from the cloud:

  • put the source files on your php server
  • browse index.html
  • launch command "edit pgp keys" and paste your public and private keys as a single file (passphrase is not supported)
  • switch to remote mode: ctrl+shift+V

Your data file will always be encrypted before reaching the server.

To protect your data file access by a password, edit settings.php and change $password variable. Your password will be sent from browser to server through a post http query, encrypted with ssl if enabled. It is stored unencrypted in your browser local storage and in the settings.php file on server side.

Cli tool

cd cli

Requires python3, curl, gnupg and a text editor.

Export your data

You can download your notes in a single json data file, or as flat markdown files in a zip archive.